Book Production
This 12” x 12” wiro-bound soft-cover book of portraits deals with the subject of identity—who we are.
I will take your portrait to show who you are, and I’ll ask you to briefly describe yourself in writing to tell who you are. You may want to begin thinking about what you’ll write. I’ll ask you to fill in the blanks:
“I am _____________.” “I am _____________.” “I am _____________.” and then write a couple more sentences to complete telling me who you are.
When taking your portrait I’ll shoot different poses from different angles, some sitting, some standing. For each I’ll ask you to keep one specific thought in mind. I may ask you to look into the camera, or maybe else-where. Portraits capture emotion, so again, you may want to think ahead about what emotion(s) you want captured.
Please arrive 15-minutes early to give yourself time to dress, prepare your hair and makeup, describe yourself in writing, and sign a model release. The actual shoot should take less than 15-30 minutes.
Please bring:
-two outfits, or at least two tops ( n o t b r i g h t w h i t e )
- accessories (hats, jewelry, scarves, etc.)
- makeup including powder makeup to dull shiny spots
- hair supplies including a way to change your hairdo
Rick Albertson
323 896 1951